Thatched Dovecot
Can you put a velux window in a thatch?
A showcase of Ridges we have under taken
How to maintain your thatch and make it last longer
We don’t just thatch houses.
Block Re-ridge
Full Re-thatch from start to finish
Thatched House – A before and after of a ridge
Thatched House – A full re-thatch from start to finish in Breamore, Hampshire
Thatched House – What keeps the water out?
Thatched House – Why we don’t use plastic spars on a roof
Thatched House – Stripping the coat work of a thatch
Thatched House – Is it normal to see straw in the attic?
Thatched House – Repairs to extend the life of the cottage
Thatched House – A before and after of a thatched roof from the 1500’s
Thatched House – Preperation for the ridge
Thatched House – How and why we use netting over the thatch
Thatched House – Should I have moss on my thatch
Thatched House – How to spot a leak in your roof